The Life of a Top Boy: On trauma and violence in the community

the life of a top boy

The Life of a Top Boy: On trauma and violence in the community


26 October 2023


  • Mental health, Violence


  • Young people


Juvenis, Dr Ron Dodzro
the life of a top boy

There is speculation that young Black men (YBM) exposed to gang-affiliated violence are likely to have negative impacts on their psychological functioning, but not enough research has explored this. It is important that we hear from YBM themselves as experts in their lived experiences. This research is the first known study focusing on the qualitative accounts of trauma responses from YBM in London exposed to gang affiliated violence, and their sense-making within these experiences. It has brought innovation to the field, offering a rich detail of a phenomenon rarely considered within the research literature.

This research offers a detailed, nuanced account of YBM’s experiences of trauma related to gang affiliated violence. These accounts provide a rare opportunity for greater clarity and understanding of these phenomena. 8 YBM in London between the ages of 19- 32 were interviewed in order to gather the stories of their lived experiences of gang- affiliated violence and trauma. All participants were obtained by Juvenis, an organisation that has dedicated its time and resources to working with young people, who would not typically access help within statutory services.

This study involved the recruitment of a ‘hard-to-reach’ population. Organisations often label YBM from low socioeconomic backgrounds as a ‘hard to reach’ or a ‘hard to study’ population. Their narratives and stories are never included. This research challenges these ‘hard to reach’, ‘hard to study’ notions by grounding itself in YBM’s voices.

What are YBM’s experiences of trauma related to gang affiliated, physical violence?